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Updating the Docs

We use MkDocs to create our documentation. For more information beyond what is in this guide, check out the MkDocs Documentation.

Setting Up the Environment

  1. Install Python 3.x
  2. Fork Conreq:docs from GitHub.
  3. Open a terminal (ex. Command Prompt or PowerShell) at the root of the repository.
  4. Type pip install -r requirements.txt to install MkDocs.

Starting the Preview Webserver

MkDocs contains a tool to allow you to preview your documentation changes live! In order to use it...

  1. Open a terminal (ex. Command Prompt or PowerShell) at the root of the repository.
  2. Type cd source to enter the documentation's source code directory.
  3. Type mkdocs serve to start the preview webserver.
  4. Navigate to to see the documentation and changes live!

Adding/Editing a Docs Page

  1. Create a new markdown file within source/docs/, or edit an existing markdown file within this folder.
  2. Fill in this file with any markdown text you want!
  3. If you made a new file: Add this file to the navigation bar within mkdocs.yml.
  4. Commit your changes to your GitHub branch.
  5. Submit a GitHub pull request to Archmonger/Conreq:docs.

Building the Docs

This section is intended for Conreq repository leaders.

  1. Open a terminal (ex. Command Prompt or PowerShell) at the root of the repository.
  2. Type cd source to enter the documentation's source code directory.
  3. Type mkdocs build -d ..\docs to turn the preview into something we can use.

Last update: August 16, 2021