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Running Conreq Manually

There are two environments Conreq can exist in: Development and Production.

If you intend to edit Conreq's code, then proceed with the Development instructions.

Software Required

  • Install Python 3.9+
    • Make sure to select "Add Python 3.x to PATH" during installation.
    • Easiest if this is the only version of python on your computer
  • If using Windows: Install Visual Studio C++ (Within this installer, navigate to C++ Build Tools. Select MSVC and Windows 10 SDK)
  • Optional: Install Visual Studio Code (Any editor would work)

Creating a Development Environment

  1. Pull the repository from GitHub.
  2. Open a terminal (ex. Command Prompt or PowerShell) as administrator at the root of the repository.
  3. If using Windows
    • Type set-executionpolicy remotesigned and select Yes to All to allow external Python scripts to run on your computer.
  4. Type python -m venv .venv to create a Python virtual environment called ".venv".
  5. Type ./.venv/Scripts/activate to enter the virtual environment.
  6. Type pip install -r requirements.txt to install all Python dependencies within the virtual environment.
  7. Type python run_conreq to run the webserver.

Creating a Production Environment

Follow all instructions laid out within Creating a Development Environment, but before running python run_conreq do the following:

  1. Set your environment variable of DEBUG to false. The method of doing this will vary based on operating system.
    • Doing this enables a lot of security features.
  2. The webserver is conifgured with good defaults for most cases. But if you want to configure the webserver see our webserver documentation for more information.
  3. Type python run_conreq to run the webserver.

Last update: August 23, 2021